Liquidity Monitoring: Dislocation

We wanted a way to tease apart these distinct effects, so we decoupled our analysis in terms of dislocation and depth of liquidity at exchanges. In this post, we introduce the dislocation metric. ... Read More

Quantifying the Environmental Impact of Payment Systems: Part 2

In part 1 of our series, we discussed the motivation and framework behind measuring the environmental cost of a payment transaction. We also talked about the methodology for credit card networks. In this post, we continue to cover the environmental impact model for Cryptocurrencies and paper money. ... Read More

Quantifying the Environmental Impact of Payment Systems: Part 1

Every time we get paid or buy something, we inevitably face the decision of how to pay. But it’s not always clear how those decisions affect the environment. One of this year’s most exciting initiatives at Ripple is our commitment to be carbon net-zero by 2030. ... Read More

Liquidity Monitoring: Early Measures

Armed with the order book data, which tells us the prices we would receive for different payment sizes, we can now calculate the foreign exchange rate (“FX rate”) that we would receive when using an intermediary currency like XRP. ... Read More

Reading Secrets in the Clouds

Coming up with a way to retrieve encrypted secrets from a cloud-based security solution using a workflow that involves applications and services in both clouds (AWS, GCP) and doing it all securely—that’s an immense challenge. ... Read More